Friends of Storeton Woods Privacy Notice
When you joined the Friends of Storeton Woods you provided some basic information, your name, address, telephone number and email address (when given). By becoming members you gave us a legitimate interest to process this information so that it may be used for us to keep track of our membership, annual subscriptions and to send out our quarterly newsletter, Newsleaf.
The data will be held for up to seven years after membership expires for legal and regulatory reasons. After that time, then all data will be deleted.
Your information is confidential and we do not sell or pass on data (unless legally required to do so).
Details are regularly updated and held securely. Members may contact us at any time to request, change or remove the data we hold and to change the way they want to be contacted.
If you are unhappy with the way we are managing your personal information, please contact our Data Protection Officer and if you are still unhappy, you can complain to the Information Commissionaires Office, the Independent Regulator, which exists to protect people’s information rights.
The Data Protection Officer is Peter Golby