MARCH 2008
A copy of our constitution can be downloaded in .pdf format here.
1. Name: The name of the association shall be FRIENDS OF STORETON WOODS, hereafter called “The Friends”
2. Objects: The objects of the association are (in association with The Woodland Trust ) to preserve, protect and improve for the public benefit the land known as Storeton Woods and to promote the conservation of the natural plant and animal life therein. In furtherance of the above objects, but not further or otherwise, The Friends shall have the following powers:
(i) To make public access available by improving footpaths and bridleways.
(ii) To undertake general maintenance and repair.
(iii) To inform and educate the public of the natural history and other aspects of the woods.
(iv) To raise money by subscriptions, donations, grants, loans or otherwise, to invite and accept gifts of all sorts, and whether intervivos or by will and whether or not subject to conditions, and to carry out any conditions imposed on any gift which may be accepted.
(v) To borrow, raise and secure monies upon such terms as may be thought fit.
(vi) To do all such lawful things as are necessary to the attainment of the said objects.
3. Membership: Any person is eligible for membership. Each subscribing member over the age of 18 shall be entitled to have ONE vote. Methods of voting will be decided, as and when required, by the Chairman of the Management Committee. Voting will be either by means of a pre-printed form specially prepared for the occasion or by a show of hands. (Members under the age of 18 may attend meetings but may not vote at any meeting). Annual membership will be from 1st January to 31st December. Anyone joining on or after 30th September will be deemed to have paid for the following year.
4. Subscriptions: On application for membership the applicant shall pay a minimum annual subscription as determined at the ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING (AGM)
5. Administration: The administration of the work of The Friends shall be vested in the Committee of Management
6. The Committee of Management: The Committee shall consist of no fewer than eight and no more than sixteen members. A quorum shall be four. Three members of the committee may summon a meeting of the committee by notice being served upon its members giving 14 clear days notice.
Management meetings will take place monthly at a place to be nominated by the Chairman.
Minutes of meetings will be taken by the Secretary or a previously appointed nominee. The membership shall elect its Committee and the Committee shall elect its officers. Each member of the Committee shall be entitled to exercise ONE vote. In the event of an equality of votes, the Chairman shall have a second or casting vote. The Committee shall have the power to co-opt any other member or person, ex officio, onto the Committee as and when it is thought necessary. The Committee shall retire by ONE THIRD at each AGM.
7. Annual General Meeting: An AGM shall be held in either March or April at such a time and place as the Committee shall appoint and 21 clear days’ notice shall be sent to all members. A quorum shall be 1/25th of the membership or 30 members, whichever is the lesser. Nominations for the Committee are to be received by the Secretary 14 days before the AGM.
8. Property of ‘The Friends’: ‘The Friends’ may appoint a custodian trustee or appoint a trust corporation of no fewer than THREE persons to hold any property held by or in trust for The Friends.
9. Accounts and Independent Examination: Accounts subject to independent examination shall be presented by the Treasurer at the AGM as a true and fair view of the Association’s affairs. There shall be no fewer than TWO signatures on cheques. The signatories shall be both members of the committee of Management. The Independent Examiner is to be appointed at the AGM.
10. Alterations to the Constitution: Alterations to this constitution shall receive the assent of TWO-THIRDS of the members present and voting at the AGM or at a Special General Meeting. A resolution for the alteration to the constitution must be received by the Secretary at least 21 days before the meeting at which the resolution is to be brought forward. At least 14 days notice must be given by the Secretary to the Membership and must include notice of the proposed alteration.
Alterations to clause”2”(Objects), to clause “13” (Dissolution) or to this clause “10” shall not take effect until the approval in writing by The Charity Commissioner or such other authority having charitable jurisdiction has been obtained, and no alteration shall be made which would have the effect of causing The Friends to cease to be a charity in law.
11. Extraordinary General Meeting: An extraordinary general meeting (EGM) may be called by the Committee of Management when a situation arises which has a degree of urgency. Notice of the meeting, depending upon the circumstances, shall be as long as possible and special means of alerting the membership to the venue, etc, shall be used at the Committee’s discretion.
12. Expulsion of Members: The Committee shall have the power to expel any member whose conduct is contrary to and/or detrimental to the Aims and Objects of The Friends. Such expulsions shall only take place after the offending member has been given the opportunity to state his/her case against expulsion. Thereafter the Committee’s considered decision shall be final.
13. Dissolution: The Friends shall only be dissolved by the AGM or a special meeting of the Membership called for that purpose, upon the recommendation of the Committee of Management. Any residual money or property remaining upon the dissolution, after the payment of all expenses and settling of all liabilities properly incurred, shall not be paid to or distributed amongst The Friends. Subject to the approval of the Charity Commissioner, or other such body having charitable jurisdiction, all such residues shall be given or transferred to one or more charitable organisations with similar objects to those of Friends of Storeton Woods.
The Friends of Storeton Woods & The Woodland Trust work together to conserve and protect Storeton Woods.